Sign up for our Career database, Handshake, at pba.joinhandshake.com. Once you log in using your PBA username and password, you will have access to thousands of employers and their job postings to browse through.

Email Colby Girten at colby_girten@pba.edu to request the information on how to take the Strong Interest Inventory.

Come into the Career Development office any weekday from 8  a.m – 5 p.m. for resume coaching with a Career Peer.

Come into the Career Development office any weekday from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. to prepare for your interview with a Career Peer.

Practice interviewing from the comfort of your home using Big Interview at pba.biginterview.com to claim your account and start practicing.

You can find on-campus jobs through Handshake by searching “pba” to discover the available positions.

We also recommend going to the individual offices you are interested in to ask if they are hiring. Occasionally on-campus jobs will have separate applications outside of Handshake.

Go to pba.joinhandshake.com and login with your PBA username and password to claim your account.